Tuesday, April 15, 2008

3rd Tokyo Argumentation Conference

I just found out that I received a summer research stipend, so I get to go to Japan in August!!! Woo Hoo!

And now I can spend the summer concentrating on reading, writing, interviews, and simulation.... not necessarily in that order. Regardless, it's wonderful news, and it makes me even more aware of how right the decision to come to St. John's was. This is a good place to be a teacher and a scholar.


Anonymous said...

That is really, really wonderful, James! ~E

james said...

Thanks, E! Wanna come with me? :)

Anonymous said...

I do, but some things have come up that will require my attention and attendance in August.

james said...

You are adorable, Dr. Professor E. I will bring back many Oriental delights just for you.

Unknown said...

Congrats to you! Coolest news I have heard all day (and this is a day where the news includes the headline: "Boy's nose blows up 213 balloons in hour").

Unknown said...

can I borrow $6,950?

Maxwell said...

Omedetou, silly american.

james said...

Matt--I was totally gonna try the nose-blowing balloon thing, but I got distracted by the conference. Good thing--that kid would have kicked my ass.

Steve--Totally. The check is in the mail.

Cousin--Right back at ya, big man.

Maxwell said...

Wow now I am super impressed....I just found that it is being run by the JDA.....if the arguement starts with ur dum is there more to follow??????????