Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Some Strongly Worded Letters

Thank you for this day. It has been a long time coming, and I appreciate all of your gorgeous, sun-drenched effort.

Dear Black, Patent Leather Peep-Toes,
Long time, no see! Welcome back to the ends of my legs. You are aging well, old friends.
Fashionable Interlocuter

Dear Almost-Graduating Seniors,
I am so proud of you. What a marvelous introduction to New York you provided. I love this job and this school--and it will not be the same without you. Still, the choices and roads ahead are so exciting! You will be as impressive and formiddable on your new roads as you have been here in this world. I look forward to hearing of your achievements-to-come, and I thank you for allowing me into your symbolic universe.
With gratitude,
Dr. J

Dear Students-Taking-the-Persuasion-Midterm,
You are wonderful. Everything is going to be alright. I promise.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

YOU LIE! Holla weather!