Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Deep Thoughts on the RNC

1) Like an Alabama football game, it's got elephant mascots, mindless cheering, hand-written signs, and lots of sweaty white people. Unlike an Alabama football game, it's got, like, three black people, square state accents, and only a few baseball caps.

2) Governor Palin reminds me of Kirstie "Amer-I-Can!" Alley's character in "Drop Dead Gorgeous."

3) Rudy Giuliani has the cutest little lisp.

4) I wonder if Vegas is working on an over-under for November?

5) This just in!!! Apparently, victory in Iraq is finally in sight. Phew--I was getting worried.


Anonymous said...

And Governor Palin is like a want to be proud of herall the guys think she's hot but there's not a lot of talent there once you get past all the makeup and big hair.

james said...



bamabelle said...

Your comment about the crimsonettes is so ignorant! Those girls are beautiful, very smart and have more talent in their little toe. It easy to sit in the stands and criticize someone when your jealous of them because they can do something you only dream of. Give credit where its due, these girls along with the football players, cheerleaders and band members practice 6 days a week, attend and excel as a full time college student striving to become contributing members of our society. What they do may look easy but its actually time consuming and difficult. I applaud them for making it look so effortless!!!! Go girls....keep on making Bama look good!

james said...

Thanks for your comment, bamabelle. And I agree--Alabama football is entertaining due to a variety of factors, including the Crimsonettes.